Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby Birthday 1

Once upon a time there was 10 children.The oldest one was Sophie and she was 15.Sophie plays the violin and she loves to dance, Sophie is sensitive and responsible.  12 year old Jerry is tricky.He likes to play tricks on his sisters. Ellie and Ava are twins but they are different, while Ellie is shy, smart and a little sensitive.Ava is sporty,sensitive and when she get a chance she grabs her bow and her quiver full of arrows and goes to ride her horse Penny and shot arrows.Rosie is 7 and she is energetic.6 year old Maelou is funny. The triplets Clover, Daisy, and Violet love to sing. Lea is a magical baby who is not 1 yet.

The Orphans 1

The Orphans
By: Lexi

Hi, my name is Blossom. I live in a magical world. I live with my two annoying brothers, Tim and Tom. Also, I live with Sky and Melodie. We work as servants to the Queen and King. The Queen and King are good. Every year they give money to us. But, the other servants are bad guys. They don’t get money every year, so they’re jealous.

chapter one

“Sky, Melodie, come look!” I cried. “I found something!”
“What?” Sky asked. They both came over.
“The blossoms are blooming,” I said proudly. I had planted them by myself.
“Wow, there’s a lot,” gasped Sky. Melodie nodded, but did not say a word. Just then the door burst open.
“Tim, Tom, knock first!” Sky cried.
“Sorry!” they said.
“I was surprised,” I said.
“What?” asked Tom as they came over.
“Why are you here?” demanded Sky.
“Because, we felt like it,” Tim said.
“That doesn’t mean you have to push the door open!” said Sky.
“We are older than you--haha! said Tom.
“Oh no, it’s almost time to work,” said Sky.
“Wait, I found a different flower,” I said. “It’s a talking tulip.”
“Joking,” said Tim and Tom together. “Oh my gosh!” they said when they saw the talking tulip.
It was waving. It was talking. It was moving.

Welcome to Kids Write and Share

My older daughter onechan (who's going by the pen name Luna here) wanted me to start a blog for kids who write creatively.  She's going to be posting chapters from her many book series here for everyone to see and comment on.  So is her younger sister imoto (who's going by the pen name Lexi here).

But here's the even more fun part.  You can post here, too, if your parent or guardian emails me (The Constructivist) at  I'll invite him or her to become a co-author on this blog and he or she can help you post your stories, poems, plays, or other creative writings.  Please be sure to have him or her make up a pen name for you and to put that name, along with the title of the work, in the "Labels" text box on every one of your posts.

We invite comments that focus on what you like, what can be improved, what you don't get, and what you'd like to see more of from each of the writers on this blog.  If you have questions or story ideas for them, comments on the relevant post are a great place for that.  BUT PLEASE, EVERYONE, DO NOT WRITE MEAN COMMENTS!!  (That sentence was written by Luna.)  We will delete any comments we feel are mean and block people from commenting who repeatedly force us to delete mean comments.  For now, I am moderating all comments, but if people are responsible, constructive, and supportive, I'll consider opening up the commenting process.

Everything posted on this blog is the copyright of the person who wrote it.  If you want to use a more flexible system of copyright, go to Creative Commons for more information on how to do that!

OK, let's write and have some fun!